Tuesday, June 06, 2006

MS 17-18

17. At the proper times a holy silence is also to be observed. [17] That does not mean treating the faithful as outsiders or mute onlookers at the liturgical service; it means rather making use of their own sentiments to bring them closer to the mystery being celebrated. Such sentiments are evoked by the word of God, the songs and prayers, and the people's spiritual bonds with the priest as he recites the parts belonging to the celebrant.

It's so hard to find a refuge from the constant bombardment of sound in today's world. Even within the liturgy we tend to think that any time no one is speaking, the organist should be playing something. Many priests have told me that they feel uncomfortable when they are doing something non-verbal and there is no music in the background.

18. Those of the faithful who are members of religious societies for the laity should receive special training in sacred song, in order that they may make an effective contribution to sustaining and furthering the congregation's participation. [18] But the training of all the people in this regard is to be carried out thoroughly and patiently as part of their complete liturgical formation. It should be suited to their age, condition, way of life, and stage of religious development and should begin from the very first years of their schooling in the primary grades. [19]

"Religious societies for the laity"? Are they speaking of apostolates such as Regnum Christi, and Opus Dei or just parish groups such as the Knights of Columbus, Altar Sodality, etc.?

They bring up an interesting point though: these are the folks who are most likely to participate fully in the liturgy and to lead others by example, so we should work them over first. I like it.

Yet the paragraph goes on to say that all should receive "thorough" and "patient" training in their liturgical formation. No concrete steps though, other than that we should start this area of catechesis at an early age.

17. See Sacrosanctum Concilium art. 30.
18. See Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instr. Inter Oecumenici, 26 Sept. 1964, nos. 19 and 59.
19. See Sacrosanctum Concilium art. 19. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instr. on sacred music and the liturgy, 3 Sept. 1958, nos. 106-108: Acta Apostolicae Sedis 50 (1958) 660.


At Wednesday, June 07, 2006 11:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the proper times a holy silence is also to be observed.

I've had to remind almost every choir director that I've played under about this... they seem to think that if a song ends to soon, there should be something playing in the background. When I was first experiencing the Catholic Mass as a Protestant, I was struck by the amount of silence in the liturgy. It seemed to allow for much more personal reflection and communication than the Protestant services that I had attended.

"Religious societies for the laity"? Are they speaking of ...?

There are also Third Order or associates affiliated with just about every major religious order, Benedictines, Dominicians, Franciscians, Carmelites, etc.

At Wednesday, June 07, 2006 12:40:00 PM, Blogger Praying Twice said...

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