Friday, September 14, 2007

23 OT--Year C

23 OT

Processional: Tietze Introit (OLD 100TH)

Psalm: Gelineau

Offertory: Jesu Dulcis Memoria (Victoria)

Communion: Vovete w/fauxbourdon

Recessional: O God, Our Help in Ages Past

We made our last recruiting push this weekend so I threw a bit more at the choir so as to . . . well, show-off a bit (in a humble way, of course : ). In addition to the usual choir-only stuff (acappella doxology in the Introit, Offertory motet, chanted Communio), we also did the following:

1. Incorporated the harmonies in the middle section of the "Community Mass" Gloria.

2. Fauxbourdon for the Gospel Acclamation verse.

3. Descants for the "Comm. Mass" Eucharistic acclamations.

4. SATB fauxbourdon for the Doxology at the end of the Communion chant.

It was a lot more than normal, and we nearly ran out of rehearsal time before mass (which rarely happens); but it was worth it. The choir rose to the challenge and sang wonderfully! I had five new faces at rehearsal on Wednesday (though it appears only about 2 will actually work out).

I think I may try to do the fauxbourdons every week now; I can just re-use them, so when we have all 8 modes under our belt, they'll be a breeze. The GA verses are just too much for me to work up every week; I'l probably get some ready for Advent, Lent, and Easter and the occasional college "Feast Day" (Homecoming, Dad's Day, etc.).

By the way, are there any resources out there with harmonized GA verses? (I know about "Respond and Acclaim")


At Monday, September 17, 2007 10:40:00 PM, Blogger Cantor said...

GIA publishes “The Cantor’s Book fo Gospel Acclamations”, which can be used for choral harmonies. Alas, you have to check it for agreement with the Lectionary; GIA apparently slapped it together pretty hastily, and I have found numerous typos in it.


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