Thursday, September 20, 2007

Choral Praise Comp 2: Grr!!!

Ok, there are things to like here. It is an improvement over CPC1 in many ways, but two GLARING problems present themselves:

1) Non-alphabetical order of hymns, so now people REALLY have to look at the index to find the number (which, of course, corresponds to NO other published resource).

2) Hillert “Festival Canticle” is not there, apparently a victim of its not being popular enough for CPC2, albeit still popular enough for Breaking Bread.

Seriously, if “Abba, Father!” and “Only a Shadow” are still popular enough, but this big, bad, and beautiful piece isn’t, that is something to lament.

EDIT: Apparently “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns” and “Jerusalem, My Happy Home” were also casualties; at least these, though, are public domain.


At Friday, September 21, 2007 9:43:00 AM, Blogger Jeffrey Tucker said...

Have you used "Traditional Choral Praise"? This book drives me bonkers. 1) The arrangements can be absurd, often changing a few things only so that they can be recopyrighted, 2) the arrangements are absurd part 2: simple and beautiful melodies are contorted to become ridiculous show pieces that are almost impossible to sing, 3) they contain different words from the Heritage Missal, 4) the number of stanzas are different, so that in the middle of Mass, the whole choir must juggle books and fly into a panic, 5) the voicings are too low, 6) you never know what is going to be there and what isn't. And so on.

At Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:28:00 PM, Blogger Alicia said...

I have heard that Concordia guards "Festival Canticle" VERY jealously. (Supposedly they have refused to let random other hymnals use the piece at all.) In all the years that I've been going to church, I've only heard the piece once. If it's a less popular piece with a troublesome copyright holder, I can understand why they might figure it isn't worth the effort.


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