Backlog . . .
Yeesh, three weeks to catch up with. Let's rattle them off real quick:
4 OT
Processional: Tietze Introit
Offertory: Blest are the Pure in Heart (Davies)
Communion: Illumina
Recessional: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
The offertory was a nice meditation on the gospel reading (Beatitudes); simple, homophonic writing with some more modern harmonies.
I bristled at doing the Communio assigned for Year A. Beati mundo corde was just waay too long and involved for me to feel confident with it on Sunday. Knowing that I always have a couple people sight-reading it an hour before mass, I babied out and chose Illumina which is assigned for Year C. Much more manageable.
Lent 1
Processional: Invocavit (chant)
Kyrie: Kyrie XVI
Psalm: Chabanel
Gospel Acclamation: Proulx
Offertory: Scapulis suis (Rossini)
Sanctus: Sanctus XVIII
Mem. Accl.: Mortem tuam
Amen: chant
Our Father: Snow
Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
Communio: Scapulis suis (chant)
Recessional: silence
I got sick as a dog the day before so I had someone else take over for me. We had our males take over mass since all my sopranos were gone. The Rossini is scored for TTBB and is very functional, if unmemorable.
We'll be chanting the Introits throughout Lent (minus Laetare Sunday). We're definitely discovering that they are a bit more challenging than the Communios.
Lent 2
Processional: Tibi dixit (chant)
Psalm: Chabanel
Offertory: Miserere (Lotti)
Communion: Visionem
Tibi dixit went pretty well; it's a bit easier than last week's, but not as hard as next week's (Oculi). I had to ask one of my student directors to take the Chabanel setting down a minor third to make it more comfortable for a seated congregation (I've noticed the tessitura on a lot of those settings is too high, IMO).
The Lotti was not gelling real well before mass. Attendance was poor on Wednesday and had a couple people struggling to get caught up. My cantor (and only active tenor) is out auditioning so I had to move a bass up and bring in one of our inactive tenors to help carry the load. They did fine, but were a little stressed about things, clearly. (Sigh) We had to have the parts doubled by the organ, which always feels like a defeat for me, but it was the only way I could feel comfortable with it at that point.
The chant at communion went really well, though. It's short, step-wise, and Mode I, which combines for a very manageable Communio. We had plenty of repetitions of it as well, since it was so short.